Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Brand New

One of my favorite bands, Brand New, was coming to Portland. I have already seen them in concert twice but Robbie was ready to see them again so he decided to make a trip down just for the concert. He came down, bringing with him McKenna (who's never been to a concert) and his cute little girlfriend Kyrstin, also known as Go Go.

Of course the day before they get here I go home with the flu, but after a lot of medication and sleeping I was well enough to make an effort. I took Tuesday off (because I was too sick to go to work) and they arrived around 2:30. They took a little tour of my new apartment, we all sat and relaxed for awhile before heading out for a pre-concert dinner at Red Robin. Since I have never actually met Go Go face to face (even though we have been Facebook buddies for awhile now) it was a good opportunity to get to know her. Despite her apparent flaw of being fond of Robbie, she's very sweet and cute.

We then headed back to my apartment where Nic was waiting and cooking away. We hung out for a couple hours and then headed downtown. McKenna got a full flood of drunks, mosh pits and sweaty disgusting people for her first concert, but being the "trooper" she is, she ignored it all and just rocked out to the music. In the end, I think she thoroughly enjoyed herself.

We headed home where Nic made sure everyone was fed and happy, then we all crashed out almost instantly. I snuck off to work early while they all were still sleeping and this morning they rolled out.

All in all, it was a good visit.

PS: Click this link to take you to the sound that is coming from the ceiling of my apartment. Yep. you guessed it. I've got bats! My boss (who is an ER doctor) kindly informed me that if the bat gets into my apartment, animal control requires that I get the rabies shots no matter what. Yes, the series of painful shot in your stomach. I called my landlord and left a message saying "There are bats in my ceiling. I would like there not to be bats in my ceiling. Thank you". I am waiting to hear back from them.

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